Lesson 142: Review: “My mind holds only what I think with God.” “I thank my Father for His gifts to me.” “Let me remember I am one with God.”
We are invited to appreciate God.
We are given the extraordinary gift of gratitude.
The Course reminds us to practice our gratitude every day. We can have the chance to practice gratitude. Getting ourselves to that place where we are willing to practice takes time because we may not have it all figured out yet.
We are all in the process of learning how to increase exponentially our gratitude.
Just give this all to God.
If our learning is slow, then let it be slow.
Give it all to God with a blessing and allow God to be the decider of how it all goes.
Surrender that ego’s need to control the process.
This is the way to practice gratitude the way God permits us. Give it to God and thank God for getting out of the ego’s agenda.
But our gratitude is completely for us.
God asks us to live with gratitude but this is not for Him.
God has no ego.
When we are in our human experience, one thing we regularly do is project the ego’s mentality onto God because it is familiar. But this is surely an error.
God in no way needs anything from us.
This is why we can feel so great about our own giving gratitude because it is not with the heavy weight of ‘should’s’ attached.
We don’t have to give gratitude because God is demanding or needy.
We are not given the message that we have to give gratitude for anyone.
This is only benefiting ourselves.
Sure, it benefits the others we appreciate too and that is nice, but the important thing is to do it for ourselves.
We get to feel all the love and kindness in gratitude when we give it to anyone.
We get to bathe in the perfect, aligned-with-God energy and fill ourselves up with it.
Don’t forget to remember our own amazing fortune to feel gratitude when we practice it.
Try to release any ego baggage we have accumulated in our relationship with gratitude.