Lesson 324 “What is Creation?”  “I merely follow, for I would not lead.”

The Course reminds us what attitude to have in our following.

We are meant to follow with a heart of gentle gratitude. 

The ego loves to bring us a mind of resistance and upset over surrendering the ego’s control.

The Course remind us that we are in fact totally fortunate that we are a team with God. 

We are co-creators with God the Course says.  This means God values our opinions and desires.  God makes it so we are involved as much as possible.  This is a dual effort.  God wants us to share this journey because our engagement is what makes us feel empowered and happy. God wants us to feel that we are as valuable as any other and as valuable as God.

This sets us straight.

When we take this journey hand in hand with God we are happy about it, then the quality of life is outstanding. 

The Course wants us to feel good about ourselves in this process because when we feel lovable we act lovable. 

Then. all we do is engage in blessed miracles and celebration. 

We want to feel good because then we act like powerful people with a gift to share with the world. The attitude we bring in our living is everything because this allows us to be most effective in the gifts we bring to the world.  Our attitude matters because we live with our minds around the clock.

We never have a break from our thinking. 

Therefore, it matters that we choose it carefully and lightly.

The Course reminds us to have a gentle gratitude for the agenda God brings us.  We must let God take the reins because when we let the ego run the show, consistently we end up miserable.  When we give God our hearts, we do this because we have learned from trial and error that this is the only way to be happy.

When we realize this, then we surrender some of our resistance to God’s participation. 

This is one portion of how we find peace in God’s direction.

We must let go of our making God the villain for giving us the plan.  We are asked instead to appreciate that God is doing all the work for us.

When we give God the right to direct then we no longer have to make effort to figure everything out. 

This is why it is the perfect solution to our peace and saving time and energy. 

This is why we can sit in blissful gratitude about God’s help.

We want to not just take away the heavy battle for power over who gets to control our lives.

Then let our gratitude be one of lightness because we give all the very dense clash for control back to God’s altar to be transformed.


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