Lesson 164 Laurie’s Reflections

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Lesson 164: “Now we are one with Him Who is our Source.”

This lesson says, “How easily are your seeming sins forgot, and all your sorrows unremembered.”  The Course teaches us that guilt is not real.  This is a gift beyond gift.  We all suffer so much from guilt.  We have our regular guilt which happens as our ego makes the rounds in our minds spreading guilt all around our minds and actions because the ego says that we did something wrong.  The Course also teaches us about our unconscious guilt which is the guilt over separating with God.  This is the guilt we all deal with.

We may not think about it all the time but it sure does catch us off guard.  Our guilt causes us to react to the world from a place of no certainty, completely disempowered because we believe that we are bad.  We walk around feeling terrible because we believe we did it all wrong.  This is the way to suffer when our hearts are bound up and constantly feeling a level of irritation over this guilt.  We have to see how automatic is this feeling of being a sinner and then simply stop the repetition of these thoughts in our minds.  The Course says that our sinning never happened.

We never lost our way.  We simply have to know in our hearts and minds that we never went astray so thinking anything we did is wrong was untrue.  The Course teaches us the kindest and most compassionate teaching- of our sin being completely undone.  Because it never existed in the first place, it is always unreal.  Therefore, we never have a moment of suffering about it as it never happened.  This is the way out of our nightmare.  All those twisted emotional states like guilt have no meaning, and therefore, they disappear.  Then our minds are clear and bright because the light of God radiates forth.

This lesson says, “Let not today slip by without the gifts it holds for you receiving your consent and your acceptance.  We can change the world, if you acknowledge them.  You may not see the value your acceptance gives the world.”  We often underestimate how much our emotional choices and the accompanied actions affect the world.  We are used to believing we have no impact energetically because usually we can’t see this.  We are learning however, is that this energetic power is the only true strength.  What we feel emotionally and energetically plays a huge part, or maybe the only part in how the world gets changed.  We need to understand how empowered we are to have this impact.  We can change the world simply with our thoughts.  Let’s let no moment pass where we play little in the world.  With the Universe carrying God energy and our role in the participating in that scene we can create along with God.


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