Lesson 195: “Love is the way I walk in gratitude.”

This lesson says,”Gratitude is a lesson hard to learn for those who look upon the world amiss.” 

The Course says that gratitude is meant to come with love.  

When the ego tries to interpret and do gratitude, always it ends up wrong.

The ego is always empty and full of scarcity and makes the definition and understanding of gratitude entirely wrong. 

Gratitude is seen in the world by the ego as that thing that is skewed because people see themselves as better or worse off than others if they perceive themselves to be in a certain condition.  Then people compare and battle for the places at the table of God

Everyone feels like no one can win or that no one will win so everyone fights over the limited resources. 

The ego says that people will all suffer and that some people deserve to suffer more than others.  This is a pathetic viewpoint of the ego and it makes us not want to engage in gratitude at all.  The ego’s version of gratitude is so off base, then everyone wants to run and hide.

They will be very far from wanting to apply gratitude all the time.

The ego’s version of gratitude is just more filler in the nightmare of the worst kind so then we would avoid giving others gratitude or ourselves.  

The Course reminds us to give gratitude with no reservation because it is the way we connect with that God energy with us in the form of love. 

Gratitude is a simple statement that everything is wonderful and we take strides to express that in the most direct and simple way.

Gratitude is simply our hearts turned outward where we are willing to safely wear our hearts on our sleeves.  

We want to be in the moment and feel the precious experience of loving everything because we feel so good and want to just share that with all we encounter.  

Gratitude is the thing that connects us with God whenever we are stuck.

The Course reminds us to walk in the love and gratitude and this means we are meant to put feet on our belief system.

Put feet on our faith and bring love to the masses through our experience of light within us and exuding from us when we do whatever we are called to do in the world. 

We are here to make a difference in the world and heal it and gratitude is totally the way we do that.

We don’t have to do anything elaborate or complex. 

We don’t have to jump up and down and scream to try to get people’s attention.  All we have to do is is simply bring the energy of gratitude and just  people feel this from being around us.  It is the powerful solvent we need to bring to the solution to bring true healing.

This means we have the easiest job in the world. 

We just need to notice what is happening there and notice what is happening within us and just then swell up with that magical feeling of gratitude. 

It is miraculous and feeds the masses because it is the true essence of God.


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