Monday, November 23, 2015

Lesson 327: “What is Creation?”  “I need but call and You will answer me.”

The Course reminds us that we are always in the loop with God.  There is never a moment when we are abandoned.  There is never a moment of despair.  This is a gift beyond measure.  Our egos cringe at the thought of being left dangling over a cliff.  We need to feel safe and secure- that there will be someone who calls after us, Who makes Himself available to be the link we need to answers for which we yearn.   When we are facing our seeming death in the possible falling off the cliff, we can rest finally with no fear, not an anxious word.

We can be in sheer joy because we know God is always there for the maintaining of our lives.  God is always providing us with the jewels of HIs wisdom.  No matter if it seems odd or out of the ordinary to take any set action, God still knows exactly what to do to give us the answer to our prayers.  God gives us peace of mind because God is constantly on our call.  God is always there to listen to any woe and problem we perceive.  All we need to know is how to listen.
The Course encourages us to have a conversation with God.  When we get in the practice of talking with God, then we develop this amazing skill of how to converse.  We have the practice of noticing how we feel and what we want.  This is an opportunity to learn to listen to ourselves and how to express our needs.  This is infinitely helpful because the more we get comfortable conversing with God, the more we can trust that God is able to meet our needs at every turn.

Then we have the most amazing gift of being able to communicate about our inner desires.  This is infinitely helpful because when we get good at communicating this, then others can more readily meet those expressed needs.  This means we will be happier since we are more likely to get what we need but also when we are comfortable communicating the likelihood is good that we will feel more empowered as well.  This is a tremendous gift.  When we are empowered we definitely have a more full and joyful life indeed.  When we talk about what we want we are then more well adjusted in our lives because we are open to being seen and heard within ourselves, with God and with others.


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