Miracles Lesson 351

Miracles Lesson 351: “What am I?” “My sinless brother is my guide to peace. My sinful brother is my guide to pain. And which I choose to see, I will behold.”

The Course says that no one is sinful because God creates us of God’s Essence, and God is holy, and therefore, we must be holy too.

So we need to remember there is no way we can be sinners because God makes us of the Essence of God, and therefore we are holy in truth.

The Course says that we are all holy, and therefore, we can experience our certainty because when we remember we are sinless, we can believe we are loved and lovable. 

Sin is a bad joke. It has no foundation because it is flimsy and untrue.  So we need to remind ourselves that this is true.

The illusion of the world is full of challenges, and the Course asks us to embody the truth that we are sinless; therefore, we can bring miracles to life happenings simply by bringing Love to situations of calls for Love.

When we do, the world ends up being a pretty happy place because it is full of Love if we do our part to bring Love to the world.

The Course says over and over that we get to choose everything in the world and our lives. The Course says we get to choose everything.

The Course explains that we get to choose all we see. We get to decide how we perceive all that happens in the world.

Therefore, we get to determine how things are for us. We get to perceive the world and then be the sole decider about what to believe about the world.

The ego makes us think we have no power in deciding our perceptions and thoughts and that it is a lost cause to reconnect with this power.

But the Course’s most extensive help for us is that it teaches us that we are the ones who get to choose everything; then we are empowered and don’t believe we are helpless. The Course’s wisdom that we are not sinful is such great news!! 

The Course also explains that all worlds are simply a projection of our thinking. When the world looks dark and full of despair, we need to realize that our perception we project outwardly.

The idea that the world is unreal is a big reality. We may feel like this is a lot to process to think that we are the ones who create the world, so this may take some time to get into comfort with knowing this truth.

But in addition to being kind about this with ourselves, we also need to understand how remarkable it is that we are the ones responsible for all we see. And therefore, we get to change anything if we don’t like what we see. 


The Course explains to remain focused on making the time and effort to access our minds and find attack thoughts and energy.

We have to be serious about changing this attack energy so that the world will have more chances to change because we are doing what we can to heal the attack energy within our minds, and then right away, the world will change.

Or the world may take some time to change its reality, but we can feel good about and trust that it will eventually. It just needs time.

 But we can feel so empowered because we are willing to heal the world by changing our attack energy. We are the ones with all of the power!! Our capacity is quite exciting!

All Love,


 Laurie Prezbindowski

 Licensed Acupuncture


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