Miracles Lesson 351: “What am I?” “My sinless brother is my guide to peace. My sinful brother is my guide to pain. And which I choose to see, I will behold.” The Course says that no one is sinful because God creates us of God’s Essence, and God is...
Miracles Lesson 351
Laurie Prez, , Laurie's Course In Miracles Workbook Reflections, Sin is a bad joke- it has no foundation because it is flimsy and untrue, So we need to remember there is no way we can be sinners because God makes us of God's Essence and therefore we must be holy in truth, The Course says that sin is inaccurate- it does not exist- at all- we simply need to take this in, The Course says that we are holy and therefore- we can experience our certainty- because when we remember we are sinless- we can also believe we are loved and lovable, We forget this is true because the egos lies are easier to buy- hook- line and sinker, 0