ACIM Lesson 194

Lesson 194: “I place the future in the Hands of God.”

The Course instructs us that God knows what is best for us. 

Thus, we can rest assured when we allow God to manage the project of our giving the future to God for safe keeping.

God will absolutely come through with the perfect future that we are meant to have.

God is privy to all the important details and has our best Wills all in His heart, because He love us so much. 

Thus, we can trust God to do the work of figuring out the nature of how the future should be.

The problem is that the ego always wants to be in control.

Giving the future to God instantly diminishes that ego seize onto what is happening.

The ego stops at nothing to stay in power, but this is false power because it is not based on God’s energy of love and perfection. 

Also, the Course reminds us that the present is the only time there is anyway. 

We are asked to simply see the past as unreal and the future as well.  When we do, then we are most likely to be bothered by them as little as possible.

When we know they are not real, then, they simply lose their power.

It is just our minds that give the past’s challenges the power to negatively impact our minds.

We do this when we entertain that the drama that happened in the past will carry over to the present because we let it.

The Course reminds us to give the past to God’s altar. 

We are asked to surrender all that upset and release it with good will wishes, but with clear, decisive action to let it go. 

We are asked to stay in the present as much as we can.  This is the only real time we can feel and experience anyway.

We just forget and lose ourselves in the stories of the past and worries in the future.

This is an ego tactic to divert our attention from rather doing important things like connecting with love and clearing our minds of our grievances. 

We are asked to make sure we show God through bringing our little willingness that we are open to giving the future to God. 

We need to make sure we are up for this because sometimes that ego part of us resists.

We must remember that when we give the future to God, this is the only way we will not worry about it. 

When we are not worrying, then the quality of our lives skyrockets, and this then is fuel to get us to that place of serenity.   Know that God wants us to be blissfully happy and wants us to feel how loved we are, and therefore, God will give us only the best possible future.

We may just need to further grow our faith here, but trust that this happens when we show up to do it.


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