Lesson 186: Salvation of the world depends on me.
This lesson is such a beautiful reminder of the most essential part of the Course, that we are to remember our worth, and the certainty of God’s loving of us, and that we are lovable eternally.
This lesson says, “Here is the statement that will take all arrogance away from every mind… Let us not fight our function… All we are asked is to accept our part in genuine humility, and not deny that we are worthy… It does not ask us to be different in any way from what we are…”
God is- thankfully- the Supreme ruler of the Universe, and therefore, what He says goes.
There is such logic to this argument, because if God is perfect, and knows all that happens, then it is also follows that God knows exactly how things are supposed to be.
And the Course tells us- over and over- that God wants us to know, and experience, and feel our ultra worthiness, so that we get to enjoy the comfort of feeling safe, confident, and loved, and lovable. When we do, then we act lovable.
This amount of knowing that the Course is teaching us is simply to get us to a peaceful and happy place, when we choose God, and choose to see our own esteemed value, as seen in God’s eyes.
We have to trust God implicitly, and know God’s Will always happens, because it is God’s Will.
When we remember all of the stuff, about our unshakable lovability, then we start to change the world.
Our energy changes, and our attitude, our behavior, and words, because we are functioning on an entirely- often new- but also quite elevated, stance.
When we carry this attitude in the world, then everything changes.
The world then becomes a stomping ground for performing miracles, when we see a lack of Love in the world.
When we feel so good, because we are in tuned with God and our lovability, then we start to feel so solid and good in ourselves, that we remember to have fun, and be light about everything.
When we are in this place of elevated consciousness, then we carry everyone with us- to salvation.
As soon as we remember our lovability, then everyone in the world feels us energetically better.
And also, our interactions with people are now elevated too, because we feel so good, it is contagious for others too.
The Course says we are all combined energetically, all the time, and so we can know that when we change our minds about our own lovability, then everyone we see or even those that exist far away all get the energetic impact of our change of mind.
This way of saving other people is so beautiful. We may never even meet or see half the world, but we can trust that all are affected by our attitude change.
We are asked to remember that God wills us to save the world- in the above totally beautiful, but also entirely non-invasive way.
It is a way that is comfortable for them. This means saving people through simply the sharing of Love and forgiveness, and bringing this with us.
Then, all are saved in this single- and remarkable- act. How cool is that!
And God never asks us to do anything we are not truly up for doing, when we are open to listening to God’s Will, and acting accordingly.
God wants us to feel so great, because God loves us so much, and wishes for us to take the role of being saviors, because it is the most natural and loving thing we can do. This is fun!
All love,
Laurie Prezbindowski
Licensed acupuncture