Lesson 130: It is impossible to see two worlds.

This lesson’s wisdom states, “Love’s enemy has made them up.  Yet Love can have no enemy, and so they have no cause.” 

The Course says that fear made up the projections in the world, but the truth is that Love can have no enemy, and therefore the whole problem entirely erased when seen in the correct perspective.

The ego does an illusory dance of trying to make things up in our minds: it appears so believable- it is just very difficult not to buy into them, absolutely. 

When the ego is brazenly blunt, with a deafeningly loud pitch and volume, we do not have the ability to quiet them, and get into the real truth about them. 

That part of us forgets to listen to the opposite, Godly side of things.  

The ego goes through an elaborate song and dance, to get us to put our blinders on- with no question. 

And we stay out of ear shot of anything else. 

The ego is just making the illusion, what is not real, but the ego makes it seem undeniable. 

The only thing we need to trust deeply is that this ego illusion, is- in fact- false.

It is made up.  Therefore, it has no validity.

The Course says that the ego does this dance- in making the world, but the truth is that the whole idea of the ego and the world actually does not exist at all anyway. 

We just need to stand up tall and see this for what it is. 

It says that God is the Supreme Energy and Force in the Universe, and since He is supremely powerful, He can make things exactly as He likes them. 

God is totally truth and light. 

Truth and Supreme power is His right, and Purpose, and so every bit of God is in fact truth and light, and nothing else. 

This is the nature of the way God made things in the Universe.  

Thus, there can be no opposites in the Godly Universe, because that would be contrary to God, and by the Godly nature, He can not contradict Himself. 

This is why fear, and illusion, and all the non-love emotions like anger, resentment, frustration, blame shame, guilt and depression can not be real in fact. 

These are all contrary to God, because they are all dark and contracted energies and emotions, and this is impossible in the Universe that God created.

Therefore, we can count our blessings instantly. 

We get to get out of the illusory world instantly when we simply acknowledge that it doesn’t exist. 

We just need to instantaneously remember that fear, and guilt, and all those non-love emotions don’t even exist because this is contrary to God. 

This then means that none of this non-Love type of energy can have even the slightest impact on us, because God declares them non-existent. 

Take this to heart. 

It is the best news, and allows us to fly right over the battleground we see and are unscathed by the world in every way. 

We are released from the nightmare, with no memory whatsoever of any insult, or combat wounds. 

That is worth writing home about!!

All love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed acupuncture


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