Lesson 138: “Heaven is a decision I must make.”
This lesson says, “Of all the choices you have tried to make this is the simplest, most definitive and prototype of all the rest, the one which settles all decisions.”
We get the jewel of clarity while we do the Course, and we learn how to feed our minds within, and feed ourselves until we have the the flourishing of plenty within us.
God fetches it for us with swiftness. We are reminded that there is only one choice we need to make.
We are provided with God as our alternate to the ego.
We can breakout of hell instantly if we just allow this to happen.
Thus, all of our problems are solved instantly, once we are just in the realm of our willingness to choose God, and God’s elevated Energy and Purpose.
This, then, means everything is going to turn into a party in our lives, because there is nothing else to do but participate in the game of living with a light heart, while grinning ear to ear.
All we have to do is make one choice. It is that simple.
We are invited to just stay on task in our life’s Purpose and intention, and remember to just allow this all to be a quick exit to get to God.
We don’t have to do anything in the process, just allow ourselves to choose wisely- which means choose sanely, and choose from that inner certainty that God looks out for us, and declares us lovable always.
The ego likes to talk the talk and make our stories real.
The ego wants to stand out in the crowd, and always seize our attention.
The ego is always fooling us, with incessant dregs of scarcity and doubt and all the things that are unpleasant.
We just don’t recognize the egos’ stark raving insanity for what it is because it is always concealing itself in the darkness of our minds and is never willing to emerge in the forefront and be seen.
The ego tries to disguise itself in our minds as anything else but itself.
The ego tries to mislead us into following it without a second of our awareness. This is always a dead end for us and ends up in a total nightmare.