Laurie’s Positive Points: Self respect based in our certainty

Laurie’s Positive Points

Self Respect is of our Certainty:

It is a great and helpful thing to investigate one’s own personal self- respect. 

We may realize we have at that moment of insight that we have gone far in our lives somewhat on auto-pilot and may not have taken time or effort or energy to really heal our sense of self respect. 

Our self respect is that sense of self that is from which ideally empowerment comes. 

Self respect is always important to make sure we keep it in balance.

We can trot along awhile in our lives without getting in touch with how helpful and appropriate is our own sense of self respect. 

It happens to be one of those things that for some people it comes naturally, but for others, self respect is something they need to exert a monumental amount of time and effort into molding it into that desired, happy place.  

Just appreciate that our self respect is that thing that never abandons us, reliably in our lives.  It ends up being the foundation of all we do. 

The attitude we carry with us in self respect is how we survive and thrive. 

We also can change that sense of self respect whenever we want to, but it just takes some raised consciousness. 

Our task is simply to get to a higher place of awareness.  

Our self respect is that part of our minds and selves that allows us to participate in life however we most want, because it is that part of us that is always becoming more conscious.

Just realize that self respect is the one thing we want to have strongly and certainly within us, but we can change it if it is not suiting us particularly. 

Don’t miss a moment of occasion when the time comes, when we can change our sense of self respect. 

We fine tune it to the degree it pleases us, shaping it until it is most desirable, because it is the best way to make our lives just reverberate with joy.

What matters is that we stay aware that our self respect is based in our certainty. 

When self respect is not based in our certainty, then our egos get to write all the checks and be in control. 

The ego loves the distorting of self respect, and tries diligently to use that self respect to its own advantage. 

The ego deceives us- saying that self respect is based on its false and inflated energies and notions. 

The ego’s version of self respect is based on scarcity, and never anything we truly want long term because it is the ego’s false notions. 

Self respect, without God, and with the ego, means our sense of self is based on what is flimsy and will never be up held over even the smallest trickle of time.  

We always have the chance to be truly empowered the instant we choose to have self respect based in our certainty because we insist that the ego back down, and simply stay centered in that amazing part of us that is totally empowered. 

When we allow ourselves to have our self respect be based in our certainty, then, we get to the place of feeling exceptionally good.  We want to sail over any moment of grief, and we can do that, when our minds are poised for self respect based on the certainty that we are lovable.  

Our certainty that we are lovable gives us the tool to be the masters of our own lives because we bring our own clean and clear minds that resonate with that miraculous way of living, and it becomes our armor. 

When we have self respect, based in our certainty that we are lovable, then, we can meet life with sanity, and enjoy the miraculous moments of feeling splendid emotionally . 

We have that inner permission to live large, and take the bold steps of living the miracles, while we have a steady method to everything.

All love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed Acupuncture


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