Lesson 157: “Into His Presence would I enter now.”

This lesson says, “It brings us closer to the door where learning ceases, and we catch a glimpse of what lies beyond the highest reaches it can possibly attain.” 

The Course explains that we have use of learning now while we are on earth as our human selves.

Learning is required for all of us now because we forgot that we are lovable and that we are God’s most beloved children. 

We just forgot the important stuff, and our learning helps us heal our memory loss.

The Course reminds us that we are in the important task of getting back to God. 

This is the only reason we are on the earth and living in the dream.

Since we made the mistake of thinking we got separated from God, then the only thing to do is to immediately get the information that this was totally wrong on our parts. 

Since this never happened in any respect, then, all we have to do is simply accept that it was a silly, little error, and not a big deal. 

That means we can just go back to the dream, and live in a different and correct way, where we carry our enlightened minds with us back to the fray of the world. 

Then, we can approach everything completely differently.

Then, suddenly, all we want to do is forgive and bring miracles and heal any attack energy as well as thoughts we encounter or feel ourselves.

The purpose of our learning is so we get to that place where we actively choose God because God has chosen us.   

But the learning is only necessary for however long it takes for us to integrate the news that our mistake in forgetting God was just as minor as they come.  Therefore, in truth, there is no consequence from it all anyway because God wants for us a different reality than one where we are laden with the guilt about our separating from God.  God has given us the best case scenario that we could possibly have in our human experience.

God gave us the gift of learning so we can get to that extraordinary place where eventually we will be so close to God, through our constant forgiveness practices, that we have nothing left to learn. 

Since we are in the world as we are, God just stopped by to give us the way out of the hell we find ourselves in there.

God gave us learning so that we can use our energy and intention to slowly, but surely, get ourselves a step further on the Godly path which we are choosing for ourselves. 

God gave us learning until it is no longer useful.

God has no need for learning because He is in the perfect state of Knowledge.

This is an experience and most of us are not ready yet to just exist with God in a state of God’s energetic-whole-bliss. 

Thus, we can rather appreciate the momentary glimpses we have of God’s incredible elevation and perfection. 

But we are yet to be in this constant state of Knowledge like God does all the time.

But the Course just reminds us that God just wants us to know that He is with us in this process of evolving.

Thus, we can just hang out with God permanently down the line.

We just need to trust that He absolutely has our backs as we go.


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