Lesson 159: “I give the miracles I have received.”

This lesson says, “Christ’s vision is the bridge between the worlds….The real world pictures Heaven’s innocence.”

 Sometimes when we are studying the Course- it may occur for all of us at different times- we pose the question- how do I live in the world if the world is unreal? 

This mystifies us  for a while. The Course says that the world is not real and the purpose for this is simply to help us be less attached to the world and all its happenings.

The problem is that the ego gets completely invested in making the world just how the ego wants it, and we grip this view with a vengeance because that’s the ego’s strategy. 

This is exactly why the Course takes this perspective that the world is not real- to simply wake us up. 

Nothing is more important than drawing attention to this attachment we have because the ego is so skilled at causing us to ignore this attachment thoughtlessly.

And then, it could go on forever.

This is why we want the wake up call, even if it seems a bit harsh initially.  Just appreciate how much it helps us in the long run, though undoing our attachment is a bit tricky in the short run.

The Course tells us the world is not real, and sometimes it can feel hard to understand. 

How could our families and beloved friends and trusted confidants not be real?

The Course also says while the world is not real, we also are in the process of living there because this is what humans all do.

The important thing is to appreciate the ego’s perspective of the world- one that is always filled with strife and drama, violence and poverty, sickness and death.  The world the ego sees is a nightmare. 

Seriously, when you add up the various ego’s perception, its shocking because its so terrible.  

That is disheartening, to say the least, because no one wants to experience the ego’s type of world, and yet, it seems to be all the ego has to offer.

The Course has the most perfect way of dealing with this.

There is clearly a difference between that ego’s perception of the world where literally everything looks and is wrong, versus God’s perception, where we get to enjoy our most beloved family and friends and cherished activities. 

And we do God’s plan all with a sense of real purpose and joy.

The Course says the world is not real, and this helps us dramatically just take a step back from the nightmare as we see it.  When we take a step back, the unreal quality also allows us to be elevated above the world as it seems insane.

When we are above the battleground, then we don’t feel bothered by the world because we remember the world is not real. 

This helps dramatically in allowing us to stay connected to out inner peace and lightness.  

The world- the Course says- actually can be a Godly place where we remember to experience the miracles all throughout our days.

We can bring love and be happy, because God gives us another option- of seeing the world as a place that is fun- and has all the purpose of our loving ourselves and each other through God’s purpose. 

When the world appears to be a nightmare, our task is to remember to see with Christ’s vision rather all that stuff that we once tried to escape. 

Then, we can join instead in the purpose of bringing love and the experience of the shifts out of the nightmare. 

The world actually becomes our happy dream from all the wonderful Godly energy we bring to it.

This is the way to heal the world.

Then, we can sit back and remember that Christ’s vision is the bridge between the two worlds and we have exactly what we need to heal all, with simply the vision Christ has shared with us in the Course. 


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