ACIM Lesson 160

Lesson 160: “I am at home. Fear is the stranger here.”

The Course teaches us to feel safe, and this is the most powerful way to guarantee that we will feel the ease of being at home, with no fear to speak of.

God has guaranteed that we will always be in the position of being in the right place at the right time because God already has in motion the Universal plan in which we are all key players. 

That means there are no worries here.

The Course also says that the world is not real or our bodies, and this helps us to simply gain a proper perspective that the body is important to get us around, but their purpose is to simply do the God’s leg work. 

Our bodies may die, but the Course reminds us that this is most definitely not consequential from the perspective, that even if our bodies die, our spirits most certainly continue in union with God. 

Therefore, there is no loss in dying when we get down to the thick of the truth.  That means we can relax so much more because then we don’t feel the panic and stress of the idea and possibility that our bodies can die.  This then totally eliminates that anxiety we carry with us.

It is sometimes a big task to get to that place of letting the body be in the state of disease and death without flinching or getting upset about it. 

We have a whole lifetime of believing that our essence is carried in a body.

It can take real time though the process of shifting this. 

Just give yourself the time and energy to do it.  It goes so far to reduce our suffering.   Just stay on task.

The Course also gives us the reminder that our salvation is a done deal, and guaranteed by God to always be in tact. 

This is one thing we may worry about, but the Course gives us the assurance that God is always our primary benefactor and He loves us.

That means our certainty is always in tact too, when we remember that we are lovable and that God loves us unconditionally.

This, then, is enough information to support us in all of us setting aside our fear.   We get so much reassurance from God in the Course.

When we allow ourselves to take this in, then we feel great because it is true, and God is powerful and perfect, and gives us all the loving energy and kindness that we could ever want from a parent.

When God gives us His perfect love and gives us the foundation for our certainty and the guarantee of all of God’s Will working for our benefit, then suddenly we become light and happy.

We are able to live in the world with all the tools we need from God to have such an extraordinarily fun time while we are living.

The Course says that sometimes things happen in the physical world that we may feel are injurious to us.

We may come across situations that may cause us to feel wounded. 

Even when we carry God’s certainty with us, sometimes we encounter situations that put us in danger, or we may have bad things happen to us. 

Just appreciate that sometimes God has a plan that we don’t realize yet what is best for us.

Just remind ourselves to trust in whatever God has planned and have faith in the purpose we will see later. 

However, remember that the more we carry our certainty with us throughout the challenges, the more likely we will be to escape any physical harm, because we will be exuding God’s certainty and feeling this feeling. 

It has such a high vibration- this is the most likely way, when we have power to change the situation, to limit the physical damage as much as possible. 

When our minds are totally light, we attract more light. 

Just hold this even if it may not seem to work perfectly all the time.  Just be willing to keep bringing it with us. 

It does make every difference in the outcome.


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