Lesson 161: “Give me your blessing, Holy Son of God.”

This lesson says: “Give me your blessing, holy Son of God, I would behold you with the eyes of Christ, and see my perfect sinlessness in you.” 

We often see people’s bodies and their things and we think that that is the true nature of what people are.  

We often forget that the fundamental part of each person is their spirits and God’s essence.

The Course teaches us very specifically to see with Christ’s vision and this means the lens where we are able to see all the individual qualities of the person in the worldly experience and even challenges, but also, always within that, carry in our hearts that each person is also blessed with the essence of God.  

That, then, allows us to take a forgiving attitude toward everyone no matter how many challenges they have because we deeply respect that they are all at a base level coming from God’s energy and sinless essence.

This, then, allows us much more kindness and compassion toward each person because that part of us knows that they are sinless at the same time as they may have whatever challenge.

The Course reminds us that each person we encounter is our ticket to get to heaven. 

When Jesus explains about salvation He says that all people go hand in hand.

That means that the state of joining with others is the most blessed and cherished and perfect state- which allows us to get into the energy of God. 

God’s energy is about sharing love and sharing the abundance and splendor of God.  Also, the energy of sharing is the most elevated state because it is about being open to everything good.  This is why the sharing energy and sharing action of joining in unity is the most blessed state we can be in.

We get to God ’s energy when we understand our being with others in the joined purpose of getting to God is the ideal we strive for.

The Course reminds us, that when we are open to being joined with others is also totally a blessed and Godly state because then we are not harboring judgments. 

When we resent other people, and we are closed to them because we think they did something wrong or sinned in some way, then, we become closed to them. 

Therefore, it is very important to give all the resentments to God’s alter and surrender every last detail of our grievance list. 

We need to release that story right back to God for transformation, because this is the way then that we are actually open to joining in love with others.

The joining is totally necessary in our purpose of getting to God, but so often, we just can’t get out of our own way. 

The grievances seem too substantial to relinquish.  

Just appreciate that this kind of stuff we hold against another is exactly what then liberates us later and gets us to God.

When we hold grievances, it is always because we are not looking with Christ’s vision.

When we have to deal with another’s seeming grievances about them, we actually discover in the Course that this attack energy is simply our own projected fear from our own minds. 

This is such a huge wake up call.  The bottom line is that we are the only ones out there with the problem.

We just have to be willing to own this and forgive it promptly.


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