Lesson 166: “I am entrusted with the gifts of God.”
This lesson says, “How could you then proclaim your poverty in exile? He would make you laugh at this perception of yourself.”
We all have these mad imaginings.
We believe so fully that our egos direct our lives, and give us all we receive, and give us all that helps us function.
The ego is simply stark raving mad!
There is not a speck of truth in the ego’s illusion that God has forsaken us and can’t be bothered to care for us-enormously, and thoroughly, and sustainably.
The ego is always giving us reasons to writhe and believe that God has deserted us because of our sinful nature, and that we are ineligible of the best of the best.
This ego’s misconception is outright silly. God is absolutely loving us and unconditionally giving us the most wonderful keys to the Kingdom.
God professes there is nothing wrong with us, and that that means that God loves us always.
We just need to grasp this truth for what it is.
The sweet truth is that Jesus is inviting us here to actually laugh at the ridiculousness that God would ever abandon us.
It is simply insane and idiocy with no reserve. We just need to be light about this, and giggle with God, because God loves us so much, it is simply a laughing matter to assume such a ludicrous hypothesis.
God loves us so much, and this is why we are entrusted with the gifts of God.
There is not a hint of reservation in God’s dedication to us, and this is why we can rest assured, and just get easy and happy about it.
God’s leaving us would never happen. We just need to realize this amazing truth.
This lesson is so great because the ego goes to the extent of proclaiming our poverty in exile from God, and tells us that this surely rings as true, and therefore, we are meant to not doubt this insane conclusion of the ego.
We just need to realize that this reality of the ego- where we get to that place where we are in poverty in exile from God- would never happen, because God sits and holds our happy and easy thoughts and feelings for us, when we have moments of forgetting.
We can trust that God is totally going to make sure we have whatever we want and need in God’s Love and Energy, because this is already ours.
Therefore, we can trust implicitly it will be there. We just need to own it and feel it.
And God is inviting us to go into hysterics!
Laugh our butts off because in just so funny that we have simply forgotten our blessings from God.
We want to rather get light about it because it could never come true. Thus, we can just have a blast in the process of remembering that God will never leave us- ever. We can laugh all the way, because it is truly silly!
All love,
Laurie Prezbindowski
Licensed acupuncture