Laurie’s Positive Points
Resistance is always that block in our roads.
There is no problem with anything unless we resist.
The world is a magical Kingdom of thrilling adventures when we let it be.
The world is packed with just the right amount of kindness and joy, when we allow it to be.
We have a huge problem when we resist the world, and it is the single cause of our heartbreak.
We may have moments that seem so tough it is baffling to fathom how we will get through them.
This is always the ego’s sorry, old song and dance. Just ache with no end.
Just make ourselves gloomy because we are used to it.
The ego is that crazy part of us that prefers affliction.
Truly, we must see this one little attribute that our ego’s have, and realize how true this is, so that we own it, and claim it, and get to the next step.
When we are willing to look at ourselves, then, we allow ourselves the option to grow.
Or, we sit and just stew in our misfortune, when we are unwilling to simply stand in our moment of truth, and see it for what it is.
We want to get to the next step- which is the greatest blessing of the kingdom of God- when we simply get out of our own ways.
The problem is always that we are not up for making miracles, and so we stay blocked indefinitely instead.
We just need to realize every day is a great day.
We have to simply choose to see it as so, and then, we can sing and laugh and play, because there is an abundance of fun stuff for us to luxuriate in.
We allow ourselves to get into the giggles, because these are our gifts from God. We just need to allow the miracle of lightness to be real, and experience it fully.
We have this free will that God so generously bestows on us.
We have the capacity to be co-Creators with God, as long as we are willing to play the part God gives us willingly.
We need to remember that there is nothing wrong. The world is a playground, and our every breath arrives in gratitude, for God’s blessings galore, if we own this truth about things.
We just need to realize there is nothing we need to do but enjoy ourselves.
When we enjoy ourselves, we give up that inner fight that the ego has with God about who is in control, and we, rather, get into a super happy and heathy groove, because we have chosen it for ourselves.
This is always available for us in the world; we just need to claim it promptly.
The blocks are just moments to stop, take a breath, and realize how great things are truly.
Keep letting the blocks be our unique ways to claim our own personal victories of our elevated consciousness, while we resolve them.
They entrust us with permission to go to the greatest depths, into our serenity with God, and this is our gift to ourselves.
All love,
Laurie Prezbindowski
Licensed acupuncture