ACIM Lesson 188

Lesson 188: “The peace of God is shining in me now.”

This lesson says, “The words remind you that you are co-creator of all things that live.” 

The Course says that God is the ultimate Creator and supreme Being.  Therefore He makes all the ultimate decisions.

God always has the last Word regarding what occurs in the world. 

His Word is final.  However, we learn that we also play a part in creating.  God has made us in His image.  Creating is the nature of His essence.

We all are portions of God’s energy so we also have this desire and capacity to create.  We often feel drawn to the act of creating because it is like our Father as well.

The Course cares that we know how important we are to God.  God cares about our unique will that we want to manifest in the world.

God wants to give us a vehicle with which we can create our lives in the fashion we see fit according to our personalities and unique goals. 

God respects us so much that He gives us His very own capacity to create because God wants us to feel comfortable and fulfilled in our human experience.  God cares so much about the quality of our lives that He gives us the same nature of His creating ability that we also do as His co-creators.

God cares that we are happy and cares we can create lives for ourselves that will feel appropriate for who we are in our own individual style.  

In God’s Universe we all have the same energy because this is God’s energy.  We must know for sure that this is a constant that never changes.  The essence of who we are never gets revised because God wills for us to be- in our core- God’s children and nothing else.  This is a happy truth with which we are learning to connect.  However, even though the world is unreal, we are still living here for the time being.  The Course teaches us never to lose sight of our one energy of God’s.

Yet, also, while we remember that in full, at the the same time we have individual personalities that develop in the context of world that are the conglomeration of our life experiences. 

We become in the worldly sense our own unique souls and have our very own imprint there- our own fingerprints.  This is often hard to understand how we could be fully both of these things because they seem contradictory in certain ways.  The Course wants us to understand that they both occur simultaneously and they don’t contradict each other even if they seem to.

Our job is to sit with these truths and simply over time, and with enough repetitions of the ideas, allow these truths to sink in with no hesitation.

We will find our way to believing that these truths can exist simultaneously and not interfere with our belief in the other. 

This requires much patience and definitely forgiveness for the Course’s view here.  Certain perspectives we may react to because we don’t understand or if they seem contradictory, we may internally rebel from accepting the ideas.  Just appreciate that this will happen sometimes.

Even with the Course’s eloquence and endless patience in reviewing ideas repeatedly, and the incredibly compassionate emotional style in the method of teaching, it still may seem to fall short in some ways.

Sometimes, we may need to give more time and space to the process and gradually let the ideas undo our thinking adequately when it is the right time for us. 

This means that the humanness is always a challenge in applying the Course and sometimes blocks the way of our moving further in understanding and accepting it.  This is why forgiveness is essential to the picture of our peace with the Course’s philosophy for the Course itself and also ourselves.


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