Lesson 193: All things are lessons God would have me learn.
This lesson says, “I will forgive and this will disappear.”
The Course gives us the most awesome rulebook…
We are instructed to see the world itself as it is. That, in itself, is a phenomenally huge accomplishment!
Generally, the world passes by undoubtedly- slow to be processed, and often unnoticed at all.
Our egos thrill and delight at the prospect of deceiving us, because they like to have their ways.
Our egos are like ornery children, who have not slept in a week, and are acting out extensively.
We are given the truth about this situation.
The ornery egos within us are simply good, but very tired children, who need a break.
We are asked to be kind to them, and listen to them until they have been adequately heard.
Then, they will actually stop acting out because they feel loved and forgiven instead of exhausted and ignored.
Compassion and consideration toward the ego is the way to get the ego to stop screaming at that insane pitch.
Sometimes when we are firm with the ego, we forget to be gentle.
Gentleness is the sure way for us to win the ego as our friend.
The great news is that we get to invite the ego to sit in quiet and rest.
When the ego does not feel compelled to try to run the ship of our thinking, then the ego is free to quiet down and sit in a state of opening and listening.
The ego may need extra love and forgiveness because our egos can feel overwhelmed with all of the work that needs to done to run the ship of our minds.
So stop and breathe deeply, and invite the ego to get to that place where it feels taken care of.
Then the ego will stop acting out, and we can instead, sit and promptly give our hands and feet to God to use for rather His Purposes.
We want to realize how extraordinary forgiveness is, and give it permission to remedy the hard stuff in the world.
Just a drop of forgiveness is all anything needs to be healed.
The moment we truly open our minds and hearts to God, via the energy of forgiveness, then the world rather becomes a playground of light hearts floating above the battleground.
Forgiveness makes us feel magical and miraculous because it allows us to give love to every situation.
Forgiveness is the only feeling that God gave us in the worldly scenarios that helps us to shift them, into beacons for God’s Light, and allows us to feel like there was never anything wrong in the first place.
The fact that forgiveness heals all is a huge relief.
We get to erase any memory of upset in our minds, the moment we apply God’s forgiveness to the situation.
This means there is nothing to do but feel great, because we are not energetically bound up in reacting to the outcomes of anything in the world.
Thus, our hearts are light, as a result of forgiveness too, and therefore we can party at length- with no shred of bitter feelings because they all became undone by the forgiveness.
All love,
Laurie Prezbindowski
Licensed acupuncture