Lesson 215: Review: “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.” “Love is the way I walk in gratitude.”
I really love this lesson because walking in gratitude seems to me pretty easy.
Gratitude is something I deeply resonated with my whole life because gratitude is the nice answer.
When we are practicing gratitude, we have the important task of doing both the kind and loving and embracing energy of God.
I always love this because it is easy to go to the lengths of feeling gratitude.
We can feel the amazing experience of being connected with it and resonating it outwardly.
We are magnets for Life and peace and all good things when we are simply willing and open to feeling the extraordinary experience of gratitude.
Gratitude is that willingness to love everything, even in ways that may even seem not dramatic.
Gratitude is the simple openness to seeing things for what they are, as the extension of God, and embracing that miracle, with the simple acknowledgement that this miracle of gratitude is always present for us to feel.
We are given this gift of love in all forms, however we choose to see it, it is always there.
Our only job is to just see this for what it is.
We are given permission and special instructions from God- that we have the immense privilege to feel the gratitude.
This is our best gift to ourselves because gratitude always feels amazing, and good, just because when we feel grateful, we are open to flow to God’s Energy and Presence through it.
This is why it is a miracle.
The gratitude is our permission to ourselves to get totally happy and light because the process of feeling gratitude lifts our spirits. It gives us the reminder to feel the magic of the love in gratitude.
The one thing we want to also keep in mind while we feel this gratitude, is to simply allow ourselves to have healthy boundaries- like adults do when they are balanced- and not allow for the energy within us to be dissipated without our permission.
We just want to make sure when we are feeling the gratitude to honor all things while we do it.
God wants us to be balanced, and have a healthy sense of self respect, as witnessed in our certainty, that will allow us to just hold the energy of gratitude within us while we experience it.
Then, we won’t lose any thing energetically because we are doing our practice in a mind of certainty.
All love,
Laurie Prezbindowski
Licensed acupuncture