Lesson 235: “What is Salvation?” “God in His mercy wills that I be saved.”
What a gift we have from God!!! The Course says that we are saved- in this very second- and for all time, no matter what mistakes or problems we make or run into.
Our sinlessness is a done deal, because God designed the picture of the Universe this way.
This means that there is nothing to do but party, ESPECIALLY because there is nothing wrong.
Just think… If we are sinless all the time, then we suffer no guilt, and if we have no guilt, then emotionally we will be light and happy, because we are not burdened with the heaviness of guilt.
Guilt is DEFINITELY the worst block to the Flow of God’s Love and Presence as it is one of those feelings that often goes missed, and therefore unattended to.
Guilt just sticks to us like glue, because our egos all believe in our sinful nature heartily, and that we are guilty with a passion. It is to hard to deny the egos slant on things.
Guilt is the one major block to Love. Think about the magnificence of God’s Love and devotion for us!!
He is here telling us that there is no reason whatsoever to feel guilt, and no reason in the least, to feel guilty, because we are completely innocent.
Because our innocence is perfectly in tact, then guilt in our existence entirely disappears!! That means zero guilt… NONE TO SPEAK OF…
When there is no guilt, then there is no attack energy within us, and that is what we want to hear.
That is when everything seems and feels easy, because there is an energetic flow within us individually, and between us with God, and our energy shifts dramatically when we allow it to be God centered.
Then, our energy channels of Love are full and resistant and sturdy. Then our existence as humans shifts dramatically.
Then everything is fun, because guilt is not just a distant memory, but even the memory of guilt disappears, as if it never was there in the first place.
Think how amazing it feels to revel in that beautiful, Divine Energy of our own innocence, and enjoying how our energy formulates into our certainty, because we know that God Loves us infinitely, and takes care of every want and need.
God deems us lovable permanently.
When we know this, then we feel amazing, so let’s just tune into this goodness, and give ourselves the gift of our own mercy and forgiveness, when it is due.
Then, God’s Love and lightness we carry with us through everything.
What is just CRAZY SWEET is that God knows us perfectly well, like any really deeply loving Father.
He knows that we are going to feel guilty, because our egos like to exaggerate, and obsess on their own thoughts entirely.
We all have this ego, that does ridiculous things, and God absolutely knows this about us. God loves us so much, He wants us to have what we need when we forget how to stay sane, and He provides us with exactly what we need to change our minds, so we can remember our sanity.
God wants for us to not have a split second of suffering, so He provides us all the time with the answer to our insanity… Our permanent innocence…
All love,
Laurie Prezbindowski
Licensed acupuncture