Lesson 244: “What is the world?”  “I am in danger nowhere in the world.”

Our certainty protects us. 

It may seem far fetched to think our attitude has the capacity to protect us. 

The Course teaches us that our thinking is the power we truly have when all is said and done.  Our energy gives us the confidence we need to face potential threats in the world.  Our energy is no small thing.  Energy creates everything.

Therefore, in the short run, our attitude always enables us to make clearer choices and feel comfortable in the challenges we face because we feel more balanced and able to take healthy steps to resolve whatever we face.

The Course also teaches that energy is exactly what creates the world we live in.

Our energy gets projected out and we then see the exact replica of the nature of our energy in some manifested form outside of us. 

That is why it matters that we pay attention to our energy within.

When we live in bodies, it is easy to deny the importance of the energy we feel because it seems inconsequential.

Jesus asks us to simply change that mentality that we have no control over the world we see.  Our job is to take responsibility for what we see because we created it with the energy God gave us to function in the Universe.

Our task is not to cringe at this energy we feel and feel guilty for creating some drama in the world that we don’t want to deal with.

The beauty of this energy is that when we claim it, we can actually change it. 

Then we no longer have to deal with those external circumstances that feel unpleasant.  We don’t have to create the same drama in the future with more projection of thinking we don’t want.

We can actually free ourselves from all the suffering that the ego usually gives us because that can be our gift to ourselves. 

We learn how to think thoughts that resonate with God and then we live the happy dream because we resonate at a high level and we practice forgiveness and lightness in the world.

This can be our gift to ourselves.  We may not be perfect at this taking responsibility, but it is exactly the step we need to take to move to a greater level of commitment to the enhancing of the quality of our lives.

This choosing is the only thing that works toward our inner peace.

The Course says our certainty is exactly what we need to be safe.

There is no way of telling exactly how to arrange the happenings in the world precisely based on our thoughts because God has a hand in what happens. 

God has some plan that always works toward our higher good.  Therefore, things may happen that we may not think we want.  We have to trust God has His plan.  And know that it all is our individual blessing.  However, we can always choose the very best of options about what to bring in our minds in the world.

We can protect ourselves with God’s certainty. 

This attitude is of full proof protection because it is of God and God is supremely powerful and can do all things.  We must sit and appreciate that God cares for us and that God gives us the energy we require for any reason we need protection in the world.  This is the way we keep ourselves safe.

When we feel so loved by God our energy being becomes incredibly powerful, as this is the energy of God which is by its very nature perfect. 

God’s energy is far more powerful than any worldly energy we encounter.  This is why living in our certainty is the optimal way to be powerful.

Even though it is just energy, its potency is amazingly advanced. 

We just have to trust that it works and be willing to do our part to feel it and exude it when we face the world’s unknowns.


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