Lesson 27: “Above all else I want to see.”

This lesson says, “Vision has no cost to anyone.”

The purpose of the Course is to get us to change our minds about everything and surrender our hold and connection with the ego and get ourselves smack dab to the center of our alignment with God. 

We are looking for the way to peace because everyone wants peace and the Course is the magic bullet that works at last. We just need to be willing to apply the Course without fail.

We have every reason to resist applications of the Course workbook lessons and also neglect applying what we learn in the text because it is foreign and unfamiliar.

We have a million reasons that the ego will come up with to try to simply ignore the important applications of the Course because the ego has a million reasons to not change a thing.

We just need to have a conversation within our own minds with the Holy Spirit and within ourselves to increase our self awareness so we can become truly privy to the information within us and all that makes us who we are.  

We want to just notice things because this is the only way to get to the important step later of forgiving all of the nightmare and all of the ego’s inanity. 

We want to forgive whatever needs forgiving and bring miracles with us at al times whenever possible.  

We are asked to appreciate that there is no sacrifice whatsoever in what God is asking of us.  We have no real reason to resist every though the ego resists nonstop.

We are asked to simply learn this and understand it so that we can see the foolishness in trying to resist waking up and seeing things as they are.

There is no sacrifice because God wants us to be light and happy and learn how to play more.

We are asked to simply take whatever steps are needed to get to that state of mind.

This means we start with waking up and opening our eyes. 

We have the ego’s vision which is the perception of what our body’s eyes see, and this is always misleading, because it is always based on the ego’s ideal of how things should be.

God’s vision simply allows us to heal the world with miracles and have peace of mind.

This is the way we truly want to be so there is no reservation in doing this. 

But the ego is always judgmental at the core and assumes the worse, and brings the worst, because the ego feeds this energy within us. 

We want to let go of the notion that God’s vision is going to have consequences that seem unhappy for us.  This is an error,  we just need to remind ourselves of it.


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