ACIM Lesson 28

Lesson 28: “Above all else I want to see differently.”

This lesson says, “Hidden under all your ideas about it is its real purpose, the purpose it shares with all the universe.” 

We are learning in the Course to give our ego’s judgement a rest and inquire instead into what things are. 

Immediately, when we see things in the world, the ego defines them using all past judgement and this creates a skewed relationship with the things we see. 

When we allow the ego to base its ideas on all that we saw in the past, then nothing is in the light of God in the present. 

When we judge something we give it a certain function and buy into a certain understanding about it.

The problem is that this is alway based on the ego’s perception, because the ego is always in the state of trying to define everything with the ego’s perception, and this is completely wrong. 

The ego by nature is harsh and dark in its definitions because this is the nature of the ego, and therefore everything that we define in the ego’s perspective ends up causing us real grief and making us miserable.

The ego is always in the process of trying to make things look in a familiar way the way the ego sees.

This is always wrong but we are misled by the ego because the ego is the master manipulator.

God in the Course is simply asking us to make questions about everything.

We want to ask a question about what it is, because this is the only way to keep our minds open, when we are in the process of dealing with the world. 

We want to have a question within our minds in defining, so that we give God the foot in the door, to put into place already in our minds, when we are in the process of defining the world as we see it. 

When we refrain from judging what we see, then, we allow this question to form in our minds, which is the way we allow God to get into our minds.

When we have the openness within our minds, then, we give ourselves the space within to simply allow things to be what they are. 

When we hold this openness within us, then, we are open to having things be revealed to us in the process of defining them. 

Letting things be revealed to us in this way- we can give God the permission to show us what is there, without any attachment on our parts in the process of gaining information in what we see. 

We let God in naturally into this process because we are not within a harsh ego energy where we are already judging and defining all we see.


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