ACIM Lesson 29

Lesson 29: “God is in everything I see.”

Today’s lesson says, “Today’s idea is the basis for vision.” 

We are asked to not limit God.

We see the inanity in the world, and then immediately say that God can not be part of the world.

We have the hardest time saying that God is within situations that look like a call for love.

When love appears to be absent it is very difficult to imagine God fits into the picture. 

But the Course reminds us that God always has a plan in place, a perfect plan nonetheless. 

God has a Universal plan that is the perfect antidote to what appears to be a call for love.

God always sees way more than we do and God knows what is best for us to happen in our lives.  

God sees the big picture, and God created the big picture, within all that is happening in the world, and therefore, plans specifically exactly what is appropriate for us to have happen to us. 

We can trust that God always has the perfect situation in our lives to teach us what we need to learn to become whole and to become bigger people. 

God is always with a solution and it is happening all the time, even if it does not appear on the surface to be any kind of positive solution.  God is the best planner and so we can have faith in His way.

When we live in the world, we often find situations that are calls for love to be so distressful and disconcerting that it is hard for us to imagine that God is any part of the solution.

We just need to appreciate that God is always within the world.  The Course says that the world is not real and therefore, it is not part of God because God only creates things that are eternal and perfect.

So this makes us believe God is not there right with us when we find ourselves in the conundrums in the world.

This can feel upsetting  but just forgive this and let it be what it is.  

The good news is that God is always with us and always in the world because God is everywhere. 

Therefore, we can trust that God would never abandon us while we are in the world’s challenges.

The world is not real on one hand, but on the other hand, the world is real when we are needing to deal with it. 

God may appear to not be in the world, because the world is not technically God’s place. 

But God is also supremely powerful, and is capable of doing everything, and so we want to not limit God in saying God can’t be in the world because God did not create it. 

God is the most loving and devoted parent.

He wants to be wherever we most need Him because He loves us so much. 

This is why God is then with us all the time, and we can just enjoy His company and support in the process of dealing with the world.


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