Lesson 203: “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.” “I will call upon God’s name and my own.”

The Course reminds us to be conscious. The Course asks us to make sure we pay attention the whole time we live. 

In the Course, Jesus explains that when we are aware while we live, we will be happier and feel so blessed because in our energy of high vibration, when we enter God’s consciousness, we will be happier and more fulfilled.

So we need to make sure we get to be awake while we live so we will feel alive when we do, and there will be a greater sense of fulfillment. So the Course advises us to do this all the time. The Course also asks us to enjoy everything, in addition to doing things consciously.

I love the Course advising us to make a choice to choose God, and this will make us so much happier.

We get to choose our reality- we can join God or our egos, so we need to remember how true this is and make every effort to get to a place where we not only remember we want to choose God, but we become so good at choosing God because we remember we want to.

Then we will get so good at remembering because we have done so much.

The Course reminds us to be still and go home. Being still is when we still our minds and bodies, which allows us to be more open because we are being still, and then when we are more relaxed, we will choose God with more regularity, so this is a blessing!

So much peace exists when we are willing to be still, this is an unspeakable super joy we can have.


The Course says that Heaven is right now. Our access to God Is immediate when we remember we never left God.

I love that the Course explains that there is no way to lose God because we are attached, and God loves us so much He would never allow us to stray from Him.

I am so grateful that the Course explains how our Heaven can be on earth when we remember we never left God and that our salvation is a deal because God would have it no other way.

Many other Christian religions explain that we will never see God until the afterlife, so I am grateful for the Course’s clarity that we never left God in the first place.


 All Love,


 Laurie Prezbindowski


 Licensed Acupuncture


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