ACIM Lesson 272

Lesson 272: “What is the Christ?”  “How can illusions satisfy God’s Son?”

This lesson says, “I will accept no less than You have given me.” 

This simply asks us to get out of our comfort zone. 

We all get totally sucked into that ego push- that pulls us backward while we in fact just stay totally stuck in the moment without that gentle forward movement. 

We get stuck in the moment where we are not willing to move forward and grow in whatever way is appropriate within the situations around us. 

The Course is inviting us to move forward in whatever way God has assigned to us with the Holy Spirit’s gentle guidance.

We are meant to delicately move when we are meant to, so that we don’t get stuck in the day to day challenges in which we find ourselves.

Moving is the best way to stay with God, because God has that gentle presence within us, where we feel certain and confident enough and safe enough to look within and see what the problem is when we are stuck.  

We are meant to just look without judgement and have awareness of our issues so that we can allow them to surface and be healed by God’s perfect light and energy. 

God’s energy totally erases the darkness because God always heals us when we give Him permission to be present within our minds and hearts.  We just need to let God in.

We are asked to take initiative. 

When we find we are in the midst of having that glazed-over-ego-consciousness where we are completely paralyzed, then, we are asked to just notice this and give it to God.  When we are stuck, we just need to give our stuck areas to God for the perfect healing we want and need.

We are learning to reside in God’s certainty and move from this consciousness to face the world because we can with the simple guidance from God.

Also, the words of the Course to teach us how to be active within our minds and how to move in a proactive and yet hands-off kind of way when we approach the world. 

We are asked to stay connected to our certainty and not accept less for ourselves than God has given us. 

This is our practice to stay in touch with our worth.

We just need to remember our certainty, and then we feel so good knowing that we are lovable, that we are way more likely and comfortable making sure we accept nothing less than the perfect gifts of God.


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