Lesson Lesson 299: “What is the Real World?” “Eternal holiness abides in me.”
This lesson says,”Yet God, my Father, Who created it, acknowledges my holiness as His.”
The Course has a totally different interpretation of us. In the Course, God teaches us that we are completely holy.
We have our new version of God, with this miracle of interpretation instead of the ego’s version of us- as sinful, lowly creatures.
We have our God, the Father, Who proclaims that we are innocent for all time, and pure entirely and eternally.
Thus, we have not a shred of guilt, because the Course says- that God loves us so much that He simply wants us to know the truth about ourselves.
God never wants to punish us and hurt us in any way from the mistakes we make.
We are so used to the same old tune of the ego, in the world that iterates consistently that we all have failed miserably and so God can’t love us.
This is just the ego trying to write laws about reality, but this is absurd. The ego is always filling our minds with insane fantasies.
Just realize with a light heart that the ego is always trying to mislead us.
We can just gently notice when this happens, and instead of resisting it and giving it power, we start a party.
We can enjoy the insanity, knowing it can never truly injure us in any way.
Nothing can be true but God’s Word, and at last, the Course explains the truth of what God thinks of us.
Since this is true, we just have to get used to it. It is always bizarre the first time around when we hear something new.
We have to stick to it and stay on task of listening to God’s true message of salvation.
All we have to do is accept it. We may feel prone to not want to connect with our sense of holiness because often we have associated holiness with God and saints.
Lots of us may consciously not be able to even imagine we are holy, because it is foreign to associate ourselves with someone totally elevated like God.
We just need to accept God’s opinion of us, with a willing and grateful heart, because it is such an extraordinary gift that we are so worthy as to be considered holy infinitely.
We can do so with a humble heart.
We sit in our certainty of knowing that God loves us infinitely, and so we can be more apt to accept that God’s opinion of all of us is valid, and therefore appropriate. Then, getting into an actual resonating with the truth of our holiness is easier after that.
All love,
Laurie Prezbindowski
Licensed Acupuncture