Lesson 300: “What is the real World?” “Only an instant does this world endure.”

The Course uses in this lesson the idea of the “instant.” 

It is not a “second” or any other variation.  

That helps me to associate with this lesson the wonderful concept of the “holy instant.”  

What makes the instant holy is when we use the instant to get us to God.  

The world surely is scary if we just get into it with no other perspective.

The world can completely freeze us in our tracks and give us incessant reasons to worry and stress.  It all looks like a nightmare.

This low level interpretation of the world is one option we have, and sometimes, we feel drawn to it with intensity.  

The Course reminds us we have a completely different option. 

The world and the nightmare of the world all looks terrible and insane and all gives us reason to run and hide. 

The Course reminds us that God gives us a totally unique perspective.

We are invited by the Course to allow God to make the true interpretation of the world. 

This changes everything.  

We may not be a able to change a certain situation in the world at times because God may want it to be a certain way and we are learning to trust God’s initiative and know that we ultimately benefit from it even if that happens way down the line. 

We are asked to get out of the way of judgement.

We give the instant to God instead and we trust God’s process when we do. 

Then, when we trust God, and we stop being angry and judgmental of the moment- and stop resisting it, then, we feel infinitely better.  

Suddenly our suffering completely vanishes because we simply allow it to be different.  

If we give the instant to God and we give God permission to make the instant holy, then, everything gets rewritten- and becomes a big fun game that we can’t wait to get up every day and play. 

We give God permission to be our director and guide.

We allow the instants that are holy to be truly miraculous where they are extraordinary and amazing and light and easy.

We are human- and we sure have struggles around letting God in and guiding our show. This is most certainly part of our human endeavor.

We simply can’t always get out of our own way even when we know part of us wants to be our best friend. 

We have moments where we can’t get up in the moment and proceed with a light heart, but this is all a a a very wonderful testing ground where we are learning to be bigger people. 

We have this opportunity to give ourselves the extraordinary experience of healing and growing and in the process, simply remembering we are already whole in the first place.


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