ACIM Lesson 301

Lesson 301: “What is the Second Coming?”  “And God Himself shall wipe away all tears.”

The Course’s version of God is entirely compassionate. 

The world thinks that we sinned because religion told us so and so we buy it totally.  The Course is completely different.

It says that God loves us so much, and God is perfect and so God’s love is perfect. 

Therefore, it is unconditional and entirely consistent and, therefore, true. 

That means that God always loves us because God is made of supreme energy and therefore, is actually capable of giving us eternal, unconditional love. 

The bottom line is that God always comes through with this love, and thus, the idea that we sinned in some way or deserve punishment is entirely false and completely crazy. 

This is a huge  mistake.  The Course simply fills in a different picture of God.  God loves us and that means that no part of us is deserving criticism or being given a hard time.

God loves us and this means that old wrong idea that we sinned is completely wrong, a big mistake that is easily undone.

The difference of the Course’s message is that all that notion of any amount of sin we might have done is simply undone.

We learn from Jesus’s message here that it is a mistake.

The Course is that gentle, and persistent reminder that this notion of us sinning is unreal and this means it actually disappears. 

The mistakes vacate from any part of our memory where we may be still holding onto it. 

Thus, we are totally in the best position there is.

We are not sinners and this idea never existed in the first place and so there is no part of us harboring old thoughts about our guilt and shame because we sinned. 

That all disappears because the nature of our sinfulness entirely disappears. 

This is the true miracle that erases our guilt permanently.


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