Lesson 343:” What is a Miracle?” “I am not asked to make a sacrifice to find the mercy and the peace of God.”
This lesson says, “I cannot lose, for I can only give, and everything is mine eternally.”
The Course’s message is purely about abundance.
The ego’s vision is where where everyone is scrambling and constantly grabbing for everything.
There is nothing in plenty. There is nothing that we can count on with consistency because the ego lives in the law of the few.
God’s message in the Course the complete opposite. We learn that there is enough for everyone in God’s Universe.
That means that giving is with a free feeling at last.
The ego always has that feeling of scrimping when giving because there is such a pervading fear of the little being real, that then in reaction to this, the ego tries to give almost nothing.
Then, there is always worry when giving too because there is fear that we will empty our pile in the process.
This also makes us struggle immensely because we are not open to our giving to other people or even to ourselves because of the limit of the egos’ universe as it is makes us fret in the process of giving. Then, we avoid it entirely.
The Course’s message is that God’s Universe is completely its own reality.
The whole basis of God’s Universe is totally different than the ego’s and we need to realize this truth for what it is.
Then, if God’s Universe is of plenty, then there is always pleasure and even a sense of gratitude in giving.
It simply becomes a gift of sharing that contains absolutely no concern that we will cause ourselves to have not enough if we give to someone else. We are guaranteed God’s Universe is a place with enough and much, much more.
We just need to remember this, so that we are not shirking our responsibility when it is time for us to give to someone else.
If we feel God’s abundant energy, then giving is with a sense of joy for the gift of sharing with someone else in the process.
This is totally different than that old ego idea of lack, and so we can just trust in the process of giving that our gifts are given with no thought that there is lack.
Then, we can feel more often energetically to the person we are associating with.
When we are open to them, then this is the most ideal energetic state that we feel in the joining with God because it is the experience of union in an elevated Godly energy.