ACIM Lesson 342

Lesson 342: “What is a Miracle?” “I let forgiveness rest upon all things, for thus forgiveness will be given me.”

The Course uses this word, let forgiveness ‘REST’ on all things.

This notion of resting is quite sweet.

Resting is when we are able to be in a state of true solace. When we are not resting, we feel no peace.

We want to feel at peace ideally, and the Course gives us a remedy to find true lasting peace, and therefore, rest in the world. We have forgiveness, which in fact, brings us to this exquisite state of peace and contentment within us.

We get into the groove of resting when we are in the forgiveness mode.

Forgiveness heals us because it heals the world as well and every part of the human condition, no matter what that might be.

Forgiveness brings us to a state of inner acceptance with a grateful heart while we forgive.

Forgiveness gives us that needed dose of Love, and therefore, we remember that our cup is totally full, because God showers our practical forgiveness process with a heavy dose of what heals us.

Forgiveness is when we allow God to work the magic of the miracle.

We bring love to all the upsets of the world, and we get happy about it, because the love and the miracle go right through us.

Thus, we are equally blessed as any person to whom we have extended forgiveness.

This is why forgiveness is the salve that heals the world, because it is that inner knowing that there is nothing wrong with the situation we are forgiving, and that there is nothing wrong with any of the people we are forgiving, including ourselves.

We bring Love- with a sense of levity- because God’s energy is a buoyant energy that raises our spirits because of the simple, straightforward healing quality of the kind of love God brings for the world, in the act of forgiveness.

Let’s remember to forgive everything. We, with an ego mentality, always exude most everything that is not forgiveness.

We are asked to appreciate that God’s energy is abundant and light because God is perfect.

Therefore, we want to shower the world with forgiveness.

Make sure to get to all those nooks and crannies in the world, leave no stone uncovered to find out where we can bring forgiveness.

Odds are that the whole world needs forgiveness so just remember to lavishly pour forgiveness out of our minds.

Let forgiveness be the number one thing we think about doing all day, as we go because the world will absolutely shine when we bring God’s perfect Love in the form of forgiveness.

Let’s show up and make forgiveness a real component in the world’s conundrums.


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