Lesson 349: “What is a Miracle?” “Today, I let Christ’s vision look upon all things for me and judge them not, but give each one a miracle of love instead.”
This lesson says, “It will be given me, because I have chosen it as the gift I want to give.”
We all have something unique to bring the world.
We all have the capacity to heal the world and make all things right from simply a shift in thinking.
The miracle is the gift of the shift of thinking that totally liberates us and elevates us because it unites us with God’s perfect energetic Love and Essence.
The miracle is that one step we are asked to take to align ourselves and the situation with one of God’s Love and Purpose, instead of the ego’s insane perception and drama and nightmare.
The miracle is something we choose when we remember how blessed we are because we all have the capacity to shower the world the miracles.
We allow them to heal through God’s Love which is expressed in the miracle.
We are blessed to bring the miracle but we can forget.
The Course asks to take the bold step of choosing to bring miracles.
We are all with the capacity to choose how we live and operate within the world.
We all can choose to bring Love when the world shows us a situation that looks like a call for love.
We are invited to allow the miracle to be our way of making sure we end up with love in situations that look like calls for love.
We are God’s soldiers in this way and all are asked to stay vigilant in the practice of watching situations and remembering to elevate ourselves energetically.
We are the ones who are asked to be the primary bringers of Love in situations that may look dark and depressing or drama filled. We simply need to play our parts.
We may not need to do anything but just show up in the mind state of being united with God and all brothers and sisters.
Be willing to be present when the miracle is called for. We must show up and let God heal the situation while we also just hold our minds above the battleground when there is the energy of darkness.
We just allow the miracle to heal.
The idea that the miracle will be given to us as we make the miracle our gift to others makes me feel very light and happy.
If we get the miracle ourselves in the process of giving it, then we end up as lighter and happier and truly more helpful to all and more helpful to ourselves.
This is such an amazing aftereffect of our miracle giving when we can count on being the receiver too.
Then, we become even more filled with God’s elevated energy and love. God’s Love expands exponentially within us.
This is absolutely awesome.