Lesson 35: “My mind is part of God’s. I am very holy.”

The whole point of the Course is to truly embody these messages.

We hear them and we read them and this is all well and good. We need to incorporate these messages. We find a means for bringing them in.

But then our task is to feel them, to breathe them, to assimilate them.

We want to completely meld with them and become one with the ideas and philosophy. The Course invites us to take that powerful step of embodying them.

We are asked to actively invite them into our consciousness until they feel second nature and no part of us still resists the ideas.

This is an enormous undertaking. We are learning to get the ego to shut up at last and rather sit in wonder that we allow the concepts to be bigger than the ego’s little reality of pain and suffering.

The Course teaches us to get beyond the struggle of learning the ideas. When we become so gentle and so persistent in bringing in the ideas, then we eventually get beyond the struggle the ego puts up about believing the ideas.

The Course reminds us to be willing to make effort.

Our job is to bring our hearts that are full of love and inspiration for learning the Courses philosophy. We enjoy the wonder of bringing in the ideas as we make consistent effort to embody them.

We make every effort to just show up and do our parts.

We don’t have to do more.

Thank God for that!

The Course says we just have to do our little part and trust that God will do the rest.

The Course says to make our efforts vigilant -because this is the way to get to that amazing experience of God’s Love.

Just appreciate that eventually we will get to that place where effort is no longer necessary because now we are in the practice of embodying the ideas. Then, our joy will be complete.

We will have come to a place of full energetic and practical abundance that is a result of our persistence in experiencing the Love of God which feeds us like bread and water.


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