Lesson 360: “What am I?” “Peace be to me, the holy Son of God. Peace to my brother, who is one with me. Let all the world blessed with peace through us.”
The peace goes always through us.
When we give, then automatically we feel the amazing gifts of whatever we gave.
It goes right through us because we have to thoroughly receive it before we send it out to anyone else.
The blessing we feel as it comes through us.
This is why giving is just as sacred and wonderful as receiving because we feel the gift before we send it.
We experience the gift within our hearts and within our energy. It is our divine gift to ourselves when we allow it.
Our job is just to accept this blessing for ourselves.
The hardest part about being human lies in our inability to believe we are great enough to receive and integrate such extraordinary gifts from God.
We are given peace and joy and laughing hearts with easy minds when we give our lives to God.
One of the hardest things for us to do is to let ourselves off the hook. We are usually making ourselves the villain.
The Course is giving us instructions to heal this feeling of total disenchantment for ourselves.
We are learning to fall in love with ourselves and make whatever efforts are necessary for accepting God’s precious gifts of abundance and certainty of our lovability.
These are facts we learn, but accepting these is the biggest challenge because it is out of our usual mode.
We are given the extraordinary gift of willingness which is all we ever need to bring the miracle.
All of God’s gifts are perfectly aligned and prepared for us.
All we have to do is be willing to accept for ourselves the best gifts out there, because this is what God wants for us.
We just need to show up and make the deal with ourselves every day to give more and receive more and feel more and be present more.
We must give our hearts to God more because this is our right and privilege and own them like they have always been ours.