Lesson 37: “My holiness blesses the world.”

All we need to do is have a clear connection in our hearts with our own holiness. 

Because God decrees our holiness to be true, we can count on it with certainty. 

Our holiness is just the truth that God says we are completely innocent, we have zero reason to believe we sin. 

The instant we believe we sin, then suddenly, we are overcome with guilt.

Sin is that idea that we can do anything that is unforgivable, and being sinful makes us feel unworthy, because we believe we are beyond repair; the sin is too big for God even to ameliorate.

Sin we give so much power to because this is part of the nature and reason that the ego is so insane.  It is a fact that the ego makes us sinful, and therefore guilty; this is never God in charge in this case.

We are reminded in the Course just to clear out and erase any memory of our being guilty for anything like sin, because the guilt is the biggest block to God’s love and presence. 

This is never a good thing.

Our God-given holiness is exactly what we need to bless the world.

When we connect with this part of ourselves that is energy that is completely aligned with God, then we are in such a high vibration that all we need to do is just show up in the world, with the simple knowing that God is giving us the keys to the kingdom, with the simple acknowledgment that we are holy.

Therefore, we just need to bring our minds and hearts and trust that God can bless the world from our Presence alone because our holiness is the perfect antidote for the world’s insanity.

We must simply allow the miracle to be true and get out of the way so we stop resisting it in any way. 

We just need to give God permission to do His thing in our lives.


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