Lesson 63: “The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness.”

This lesson says, “You are being asked to accept salvation that it may be yours to give.” 

The Course reminds us that we must be as willing as possible to give the gifts of the kingdom to both ourselves and all others. 

A common ego mistake is to have a push to give plenty to one, but then none to the other.  This omission is often just a natural part of the way we live.  But Jesus keeps reminding us to make sure we include everyone.  No one is better or worse.  We are all equally loved.  We just need to realize when we overlook someone.

The Course invites us to love all people equally and therefore, include everyone in God’s amazing love and great favor because we are all worthy. 

We just need to be in the habit of remembering all people- especially ourselves.  It is easy to forget ourselves, especially when we are adults and have dependents and jobs and lives.

We may lose sight of giving ourselves the best too.  We are asked to stay on top of reminding ourselves about this.

The Course says that when we give and receive- that we have to receive something in order to then give it away.

 Therefore, we always are in the position of receiving what we give away because we simply have to, in the way the Course teaches us to be generous with our gifts.

We always get to include ourselves in the process of giving to others because whatever it is must go through us first.  

We have to accept the gift we give in the process of sharing it with others.  This is why we always gain tremendously when we give no matter how it seems in a worldly way.

This is why we always benefit in both giving and receiving equally.

We just need to realize what is happening and let ourselves always be a channel of the Love and all that goes through us in these processes. 

The Course says we all get to be in the state of salvation because we all get it from God through osmosis.

Our salvation is the memory and awareness that we are loved by God wholly and are given all the gifts of the kingdom that we could hope for because God wants this for us. 

Our salvation is always ours already.  

We don’t have to do anything because God simply already placed this awareness in all of us before coming to the world to live human lives. 

All we have to do is remember it is so.  Our salvation is done now and always.

However, we do want to share our salvation with others by simply being in the state of mind that God is totally caring for our important desire for salvation now- as we are. 

Therefore, we can just sit and feel it within.

In this experience of knowing our own salvation, this then exudes from our spirit and gets shared energetically with all others who may still temporarily be in the illusion.

This is their way out of their hell when we simply are willing to be witnesses before of our brothers and sisters- that we know we are saved and we know they are saved too. 

All we need to do is feel this and embody it.


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