Lesson 68: “Love holds no grievances.”

This lesson says, “You who were created by Love like Itself can hold no grievances and know your Self.” 

The Course says that Love and its opposite- fear- are total.  

They have no degrees or impreciseness.

They are always true to their form.

Love will always be Love and fear is always fear. 

And all feelings that are not Love come from fear but they may be anger or resentment or the other feelings that make us feel woe. 

All the attack energy which is the form of not love ends up coming through us with attack feelings.  The Course is teaching us the difference between love and fear.

 This way we will know how to respond in the world when we realize what we are looking at.

The Course takes time to teach us that Love always holds no attack energy. 

Love is purely God’s creation and therefore, it is perfect. 

The grievance that comes up is a part of the energy that is not considered love.

It is attack energy; and therefore, it causes us to lose our certainty when we feel it and think about it.

The Course reminds us that we must feel our certainty in order to approach all the worldly circumstances with a brave heart.  

When we allow attack energy into our minds, then the placid lake in our minds is ruffled because then we are no longer at peace. 

When we hold grievances, we carry this fear-based energy and feeling with us and our minds then become cloudy.  We become misaligned with God because God is only Love, while the grievance is not.

This means when we lose our certainty, then we lose our belief in the powerful union with God in our minds. 

Thus, we will not feel up to making important decisions with the courage to choose from Love.

The grievance gets the attack energy going around.  The grievance is just enough judgement to make a clear mark in our minds.

That means that our minds lose their sense of safety because we carry with us that belief that the grievance is real and has the power to affect our peace of mind. 

That simple breaking of connection with God’s energy makes us lose our sense of empowerment within, because then we are relying on no one except the ego- and this never feels  good.

Just know that our safety is directly correlated with the power of God.

Our certainty is that knowing that we are totally lovable all the time and that nothing is ever wrong- in a combined feeling. 

This certainty, when it is fully in check, allows us to feel strong in the world’s drama because we are purely focused on the knowing that God loves us. 

We just need to allow the certainty to be full in our hearts when we are dealing with our grievances.  Our grievances give us grave challenge because we feel like we are full of attack energy.  We must give this all to God.

We want to release the grievances with a light touch, while we understand that God can have no part of the attack energy.  

We just need to let God as Love be God, with no other parts that are not love.


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