ACIM Lesson 75

Lesson 75: “The light has come.”

This lesson says, “Realize that your forgiveness entitles you to vision.   Understand that the Holy Spirit never fails to give the gift of sight to the forgiving.” 

We are invited to forgive because it is the way for us to be truly liberated at last. 

Forgiveness is the way right out of our hell.

We have the world’s insanity, we see it through and through- in all outside of us. 

The insanity is right in front of us, and so we forget that this is actually coming from inside of us. 

We have the incessant problem of being numb, and we forget to notice that we are the only ones out there.

The Course teaches us that the world is nothing but the reflections energetically and physically in the manner that we project our thinking.  

This thinking, then, gets manifested into the world. 

This is a huge departure from the ego philosophy, which says we are victims only, and that we are the sad people who get tortured by the world outside of us. 

Then, we can do nothing in response but to stress when whatever challenge happens in the world, because it seems like something we have no power over. 

And, this always leaves us in complete distress.

The Course is asking us to at last open our eyes, see the world for the truth of what it is. 

This is the first step in changing the picture when we get to that mind frame where we can actually see what is happening. 

Then, we have the opportunity to be totally empowered, because when we claim for ourselves that we are really the cause of the world through the thinking we bring to the situation.

Then, suddenly, we can change the picture.

We no longer have to just sit and suffer.

We can do this magical thing called accepting God’s miracle.

We allow ourselves to change our minds and forgive all we see, and this heals us completely in all respects within. 

And, sometimes this also heals what happens in the world. 

We are asked to simply own our responsibility in the situation. 

We can totally heal it all if we bring our willingness, and are open to changing our minds.

We must give God permission to write the script for our lives.


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