Lesson 82: Review: “The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness.” “Let me not forget my function.”
This lesson says, “Let me then, forgive the world, that it may be healed along with me.”
The only real problem we find in the world, no matter what happens, is when we are not open to forgiving it.
Our forgiveness is the only thing in the world of the ego and the illusion of separateness from God that actually heals us.
That forgiveness is the perfect salve, given from God, that perfectly antidotes every little bit of suffering in which we find ourselves.
When we are one with God- in the state of perfect Knowledge, and in the perfect experience of oneness with God, then, we need no words and no actions because we have every need filled.
Then, the whole concept of need actually disappears.
When we remember we are one with God, then, our energy is so elevated and safe and healed and whole that we don’t have to do anything, but just be present with the experience of God’s perfect love.
This is our guarantee.
However, while we are in this insane place where we believe we forgot God, then, we need some worldly elevation in order to get us to a higher place where we can instantly shift all those beliefs that we are not one with God.
In that insane moment, when we got confused, this is why we got this immediate access to God through our forgiveness.
The forgiveness is this totally high thing we can do to show us how to live in the world and heal it, with God’s even temperament and perfect consistency.
This never changes, and always makes us feel amazing.
Forgiveness is God’s reminder that we can alway bring this miracle of remembering to accept all we see with a grateful heart.
When we accept things, then suddenly, the ego’s battle is completely eradicated.
We have to simply allow our minds to get into this groove and vibe of forgiveness, because it is the thing that gets us as close to God as we can be in the human experience.
When we forgive it also means that we are bringing our willingness to see the situation differently.
When we see a situation that looks crazy difficult, maybe out of the world, then, it seems too bad for us to get to the place of forgiveness.
The ego says there is no way we can get to any feeling of serenity in the process because we can feel too vulnerable.
God is not asking us to take the whole step of forgiving something when it seems so hard for us.
God is giving us the instruction of taking a small step in the process, just be willing to do anything in the process, and trust that God will teach us how to do the rest, if we ask with an open heart.
We are asked to just stay vigilant in the task of forgiving. It is the only way out of our hell.