Honor and respect Mother Nature
Laurie’s Positive Points: Honor and respect Mother Nature.
Love the earth. We need to decide what that means to us.
Mother Nature is the earth and all of its glory. We can be grateful for the ground and take care of it in whatever way we feel called to do.
Sometimes Mother Nature will need some active steps to care for it. We want to ensure the earth is healthy and well long after we die.
Global warming is a thing we want to do something about it in whatever way we feel called. The earth is full of promise, wealth, and abundance, so as one of the earth’s inhabitants, we need to take responsibility for healing and care for the planet.
If we feel called to take care of the earth, then we will hear prompts in our minds or our lives from the Holy Spirit about what to do in terms of action steps,
Do not forget to honor the action steps we hear or sense from within our minds and general systems within the way we live. The Holy Spirit is always available for us to ask questions of God and be able to hear the answer, so stay tuned to what we hear or the way we sense the Holy Spirit.
Our responsibility is to heal the earth, so let’s step up and do it. We must listen to what we can and should do about healing the planet. We can change our behavior. We can change where we shop, change how we eat.
We want to do those things to treat the soil well and do whatever we can to take the best care of the planet while we are here. We want to bring consciousness to our decision-making about how we live, so we honor that the earth has needs, and we must support the globe in ways like being more conscious and choosing our behavior to treat the world well.
Our egos are always singing the tune of rebellion toward the earth. Our egos are self-centered and full of attack energy and purpose, so they make tons of mistakes and are incapable of choosing higher emotional and spiritual; ways that work in cooperative ways.
The earth needs us to cooperate because it is alive and needs our goodwill and consciousness. So let us be careful to heal the land while we are alive and make holy choices, and God and Love centered, so we end up not hurting the earth while we live.
Continue to develop our consciousness while alive so we get better at bringing our consciousness with us. Therefore in all areas, our net result in life is that we treat the earth well.
All Love,
Laurie Prezbindowski
Licensed Acupuncture