Miracles Lesson 35: “My mind is part of God’s. I am very holy.”

This lesson shares its wisdom, “Try to recognize that the direction of your fantasies about yourself does not matter. Illusions have no direction in reality. They are merely untrue.”

The Course explains that we are all part of God’s energy, so we are all holy. God made us of God’s substance, so it makes sense that we are exactly like God.

Because we are of God’s essence is why the Course says that we are all holy. We are innocent, and even though we make mistakes in life, this does not matter.

God loves us always anyway because we are His children, and God is our benefactor. God provides us with God’s Love and saves us, so we all get to Heaven.

We are in Heaven now because God wants the best for us, and He is excited about being our saviors and taking care of us.

God provides us with awesome things in life. We simply forget to take them in and acknowledge them, so we are encouraged to get into the right frame of mind and realize that God is with all of us, loves us infinitely, and is always our supporter.

We simply need to remind ourselves that this is true. We forgot, so we need to take responsibility for remembering. Sometimes it can take a while to take this in, so we need to get it right. Own the task and figure it out right away.

 Identifying with our holiness is one of the biggest challenges in life because we do not believe this is true. We must accept that there is nothing wrong with us while our egos are entirely complaining within, saying there Is no way this is true.

Because if we do not remember this or do not take this in, then we are not open energetically to God’s Love because we are rebelling against the truth. The basis for inner rebellion is attack energy. So when we are not available and willing to show up and do our best, then the result is that we end up with a block to the flow of God’s Love.

Our illusions have no direction in reality because they are unreal. So all the thinking and perceptions we have, no matter how much they may tell us that they are either positive or negative, are not valid. They are meaningless and illusory, so we must accept that they are neither good nor bad. They are all meaningless, so we must take this in since it is true.

All Love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed Acupuncture 


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