Brave behavior means being bold while being ever so kind.  

When we do this, we sit in our certainty, and sit in our empowerment. 

We have relationships with others the entire ride of our human existence. 

We can’t avoid people (no matter how hard we try!), since there is always some amount of interacting we have to do in the world to survive.  

So we can take this opportunity to find the depth of ourselves, we dig deep, and go for gold.

We get to show up, when there is a situation in which we interact with another, so that means we get to consciously dedicate everything we do, and take utmost advantage of our human existence. 

It is chalk full of interaction, so we can use this time for our best advantage, and grow into a deeper sense of self worth, and develop a deeper sense of appreciation for who we are.

We get to grow up ( however old we are today, we are all becoming new every second), so let’s take this moment to give the moment our best shot that we have within us to-  live well, and fully, and with happy hearts.

We get to show to the world with a gentle suggestion of kindness, while we stand up for ourselves, and give our hearts permission to speak their truth.

 Lots of us have not had encouragement to be bold, and speak our clear truths. 

Sometimes then people take offense, when we are expressing ourselves clearly and honestly.  

I think the best way to be sure we should say some truth to another is to check in with the Holy Spirit.  God, expressed through the Holy Spirit, is right there, here and now, to be with us, and guide our every thought and action. 

Never forget to check in with God and ask if it is best for us to express this particular thing in the moment.  Rely on that!

Then, get that insight either through a more internal direct communication from the Holy Spirit, or some other kind of internal hit from God that we are meant to communicate what is on our minds. 


Then, we may just want to be true to our own process, whatever that is. 

We may want to sit in meditation to see if there its some clarity that comes about the depth and truth of what we feel that we want to express. 

We want to have clarity within us about how we feel, and make sure that there is not some other more relevant internal process going on within us that is actually the deeper truth about what is happening.

Going into our own thinking and feeling is really essential to tap into the truth of our experience. One key element is to be clear about our own feelings.

Beyond that, you can rehearse within yourself maybe ways of saying what is on your mind.  That may also help you get even more clear about how you feel internally.  

I sometimes write things down to help me get more clear about what I want to say and how I feel.  

But, make sure the ego is not tagging along… 

We don’t want to end up inviting the ego in to plan everything or try to magically shape the situation any certain way. 

Beware of that, while we also just sit with God, and the energy of forgiveness, and allow words to come, while we hold onto a level of detachment about the situation.  

Being detached is the best way to keep the ego at bay. 

Make sure the love is felt within you when you speak your truth, however it sounds. 

This is the best way to make the other person’s reception of this news kinder and easier. 

This is all we need to make a miracle.

All love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed acupuncture


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