Laurie’s Positive Points: Developing Discipline

Laurie’s Positive Points

Developing discipline

Developing discipline is one of those matters that tops everyone’s to do list. 

We all crave it, and go out of our ways to try to harmonize with it, and to bring it to actualization within us. 

Discipline is one of those smashing personality traits we all want to secure.  

We are most happy and successful if we attend to it. 

We want to be skilled at developing discipline so that we can use this whenever we want to create habits. 

We get to choose what kind of life we want to have.  Guaranteed. 

That being the case, we must be well practiced at discipline, since it is an essential part of the equation. 

No way to make any habit without establishing adept discipline. 

We get to be masters at creating our lives, because God permits it- fashioning our lives however best suits us. 

When we are disciplined, it allows us to shape our lives and make them exactly what we want. 

This is the determinant of our empowerment. 

Since we hold responsibility for creating our lives, we can and will feel great within- throughout the process, since we share God’s elevated energy. 

Therefore, it is always worth doing.

We can do anything to our hearts desire, if we just stay practiced at making clear intentions, and healing our blocks to Love’s Presence. 

We also must give some attention to developing our discipline, so that we can- whenever it suits us- change our lives for the better- when we feel so called. 

Discipline is that one thing we definitely need if we want to live a conscious and chosen life. 

We need to have the determination within us to be able to live large, in as many ways as we fancy. 

Our willingness, and our self empowerment needs to come through as well in the clear decision to create our lives just as we see fit.  Put all of that together, and we make the miracle of choosing God with full and happy hearts.

Just making the decision to keep accepting and forgiving that that we have forgotten the task, without judgment is an essential step on our paths.

But the other piece is that we need to stay in the practice of implementing our thought patterns and our behavior and all the parts of ourselves with which we need to stay on task. 

We need to have the magic that happens, and our instigation as the catalyst, in our own personal process, where we, and our energies, and our wills are all lined up with God’s, and within ourselves appropriately. 

We just need that little passage within us that results in making changes in our lives, and this comes directly from discipline. 

We need to be willing to show up every day, and every minute, and be willing to participate- in choosing how it all looks in our minds, and how we perceive the world. 

This is vital to the quality of the now, and then later, to have the outcome where we are up for all the great stuff in God’s incarnation. 

We get to choose it all with a happy heart.

All love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed Acupuncture


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