Every problem can be readily resolved- with just serenity and a smile.

Serenity is that inner wisdom that emerges when we talk to God directly. 

Serenity is when we allow there to be another possibility in the picture. 

The only problem that ever occurs is when our egos insist that the situation must be a certain way. 

That inflexibility of the ego is THE only thing that can- and does- ever hurt us. 

The only way we could ever suffer is when we feel too blocked internally to open our energetic connection with that brilliant Wisdom of the Universe- that we know as God. 

We get anxious, or upset, or irritated, or convinced that world needs to look exactly in a certain way- our ego’s own “right” picture. 

That state where we are unable to go with the flow of life and allow Life and God to be our guide, this is our true block. 

The only way to truly change how we feel about life is when we release the ego’s harsh perspective of how unacceptable the world looks- as it does.

That attachment to getting the picture to look a certain way is THE certain way to heartache.  

Serenity is essentially the opposite direction from the ego, and we need to be willing to listen within- to that part of us that seems in conflict with things as they are. 

We need to be willing to listen to the ego’s sad song, when the ego needs to talk.

Don’t resist looking at the truth of how we are living with the ego’s harsh perspective. 

Just be willing to listen until the ego has been heard. 

We listen- with compassion- but then, just sit and ask the Holy Spirit how to get to that place of serenity- that is the only way we ever get released from the built-in suffering in the world. 

 Start first with that gentle perspective, that all is well, so we don’ need to be upset by anything that happens here.

Then, our smiles come with the picture that we bless with serenity. 

Then, we can smile at what we see in front of us because we are no longer at war with the world, and ourselves, and the ego. 

The smile comes naturally from that open channel of energetic connection we have with God, when we sit in serenity, at least to some degree. 

The smile is a beautiful way to greet life, and it is easy to smile all along the way, as long as we tune into our gratitude for the world. 

The smile is our gift to ourselves- as smiling always cheers us up, because we get more elevated energetically when we get into the groove of smiling.

The energetic state of serenity automatically leaves us smiling because there is nothing else to do, when our mind is clear from the old, automatic connection with the inherent battleground of the ego.  

Serenity is the reason for the smile, and always affords us the smile since serenity allows us a fresh perspective on everything. 

We see everything as brand new, and this feels great as ever!

All love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed acupuncture


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