Laurie’s Postive Points:

Exercise is an essential part of life!

Humans require eating, sleeping, and exercising for being healthy.  

We need to move our bodies at times to help us be fit.  When we move or exercise we have greater stamina and greater energy and better sleep. 

Movement is part of keeping ourselves healthy so we need to embrace exercising.  We need to get into exercising because we will enjoy it more if we do. 

We all have to exercise to live longer so it is worth doing.  When we exercise we have more capacity to manage life’s stresses since we have this physical benefit of release of our stress that we can and do accomplish in exercising.

If we get triggered by the word exercise all we need to do is to call it movement so we can avoid saying the word if we feel triggered by it.

Exercise or movement is the best way to be fit.

We need to do both aerobic exercise to stay fit and also do weight-bearing exercise to be fit.

We need to do both to stay healthy and be fit.  Our doctors and our families will be quite happy with us when we are willing to exercise and or move so it is worth doing.

Aerobic exercise is essential because if keeps our hearts healthy.  Our hearts will beat slower and our hearts will be stronger when we do regular aerobic exercise, so this is worth doing.  

Lifting weight bearing objects  is also awesome for us to do because lifting weights keeps our muscles and tendons healthy and strong and also strengthens our hearts, so we must engage in this as often as possible.

We need to do exercise with repetition so our bodies will benefit so much from this.  We need to make sure we are open and up for exercising. 

Exercising is also a chore even though in some ways it is something we might look forward to, so we need to stay clear in our minds and bodies that we will exercise with regularity and make extra sure we do.

It is often called for so that our lives will benefit so much for doing this.

Remember to make exercise fun. 

The adding fun factor is something that we ideally would include in our lives in any aspect of our lives but this Is especially important to doing with our exercise as well because then there will be another whole chunk of our time in which we will enjoy and play when we exercise so we will be happier whenever we play so this is worth reminding ourselves to make this effort.

All Love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed Acupuncture


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