Laurie’s Positive Points: Forgive the world!

Laurie’s Positive Points:

Nothing but illusion is out there. Remember, the world is not accurate.

The world is full of death, destruction, and deterioration. It is a nightmare indeed!!

  We need to see that it is simply not real, and therefore, there is nothing about which to be upset.

Remember, the world is not accurate, so we can not be affected in any way by all we find. Death is not actual. 

 REMEMBER to forgive the world. We can see and perceive the world as something that has no impact. 

Then we need to forgive all we see. Forgiveness is the way to true joy and peace in the world. We need to forgive the world all the time because otherwise, the world will cause us to suffer. 


How can we connect with forgiveness? We need to remember it is the only thing in the world that we can apply that will heal our minds.

The world is a projection of our thoughts, so we must realize that the world is affected by our thoughts.  Therefore, we need to use the world to investigate what is going on in our minds and hearts.

The world is an excellent tool to see our minds and find out what is in our minds and hearts. So we need to know that we need to heal our minds the moment we have chagrin about the world. 

We need to give our minds and hearts a look and investigate what is there when we find that the world is full of woe because they are intertwined.

Forgiveness is the only possible way to heal the world, but it can be challenging to incorporate into our way of thinking. 

We need to make an effort to feel our forgiveness for the world, and sometimes this can be hard to do.  Our task is to make an effort to feel forgiveness within our minds and hearts, but this can take time and lots of action. 

 It is such a valuable tool to figure out how to feel and use our forgiveness for the world.  

All Love,

 Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed Acupuncture


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