Laurie’s Positive Points: “Our relationships are that direct passage to exactly how we make our lives exceedingly happy.”
We all have relationships with other people because humans are social creatures by nature, and we need each other in various ways.
We all connect with some people, some of the time. We all have to have relationships- because we need to at least be able to sustain our lives practically, and emotionally as well.
Through our relationships, we navigate the world. Everyone’s needs and preferences differ, and so we can count on- at times not feeling like we see eye to eye. It is imperative that we take time to really understand what is going on in our relationships. We want them to be harmonious.
Our relationships help us to forge our paths – it is imperative that we proceed in a forward fashion. The God-given gift of having all the people around us- who help us to enjoy and flourish within our lifetimes- is evident constantly.
Thus, we can be grateful for the people around us who share our journeys with us, because we can. Our gratitude makes everything better. We can appreciate them, for sure, and this helps us to stay clear when we interact with them. If we forget to appreciate them, then inevitably, we rather find ourselves geared up for attack.
Most of us discover that we can’t help but to run into people throughout each day and night, so we can expect to have to ascertain how we can best get along with them. We need to get along with them, because when we don’t, then, we are harboring some attack energy toward them. This attack intention triggers us and we become lost and restricted energetically.
We get lost in feelings of division when we even think about them, much less see them or interact. Therefore, we just need to settle in with this fact, that we are going to be ruffled by them and their actions. A real sense of suffering is our destiny when we allow ourselves to get into a groove of attack within us.
It is our privilege to alter this attack energy with a simple return to the feeling of forgiveness. Forgiveness is God’s miracle of Love brought to the earth, so that we can have relationships happily and sanely. Our forgiveness is the salve of very elevated Love. Forgiveness is the simple acknowledgement that they are lovable as they are, and also equally so, we are lovable as we are.
This fact that remains constant is why forgiveness softens the blow of that attack energy we feel. We just need to remember they are completely worthy as they are now and feel this throughout all of our interactions. Its the simple knowing this is true is what heals permanently our relationships because they are renewed completely from forgiveness’s instantaneous effect.
Our relationships stay above the battleground of low level energy when we hold forgiveness in our hearts throughout our interactions. This way we can be truly happy and healthy, and stay deeply in love with our family and friends and partners because we are certain of all these peoples’ worth throughout.
All love,
Laurie Prezbindowski
Licensed acupuncture