Laurie’s Positive Points
When we become our own worst enemies, check this out!
The miracle is when we give ourselves permission to be wrong. We have that ego knifing us persistently, our egos’s have a very precise view of things. They get right into ear shot, and scream savagely, with a sense of life-and-death, arguing that they have something original to say.
This is actually comical- when we listen- because the ego is always giving us a line which is actually full of bull. We just need to fine tune our listening and sharpen our acuity. It turns out that the ego’s view of things is just that sad and sorry old tune that makes us squirm uncontrollably when we listen.
We need to be ever so gentle and kind with ourselves when we hear the ego. They are all full of malarkey, but we believe it, because the ego speaks with such authority, it is hard to deny its preposterous and commanding sway over us. We need to take stock of the situation, and stand up for ourselves, and ask for way, way more. We can ask for more if we stay persistent in the effort. We want God’s Love instead, and His guarantee that we are innocent. Then, we can get the party started.
It always comes down to our forgetting we are sinless. We just buy the ego’s view completely because it seems like wearing our old well-worn socks. They fit us so we keep wearing them. We just need to remember that we have another option in the situation. We become our own worst enemy when the ego is running the ship. This can be hard and even seemingly impossible to even face, or acknowledge. So often, we end up burying our heads in the sand, and not being willing to simply come to a deeper awareness of our own intention, and speech and behavior.
The one great thing about this is that we can always choose differently for ourselves. Just that one little thing- of choosing differently is what brings us to that place of forgiveness and peace. That is seriously cool!
We have moments of increased consciousness that lead us to greater establishment of the elevated Energy and elevated thinking. We can- just from our choice- give ourselves that deepest Love and compassion, that is God’s gift, and we can apply all of this great feeling to all the situations we see.
Sometimes, when we don’t embody and identify with our lovability, then indeed, we become our worst enemies. It is when we forget that we are totally innocent that then, the things we do in the human experience end up making us feel terrible about ourselves. When we come to face situations that push our buttons, then we feel really rotten to the core about ourselves because we have forgotten our certainty.
This is why God has given this experience and mind state of our certainty, so we can just float over, unaffected by the moments where we make worldly mistakes. When we remember we are lovable, it has such an elevated Energy, then we actually skate right over the drama, because there is no doubt or confusion in that certainty. It is from God and it is God’s Energy, and thus, we can get to that sense of calm, God-centered power that feels perfectly safe, and appropriate, and boosts our ability to face whatever the situation is.
All love,
Laurie Prezbindowski
Licensed acupuncture